What to expect on your first visit:
Which exam will meet your needs the most?
Emergency exam
This appointment will focus on an area causing pain or infection, and if appropriate, treatment will be provided the same day.
Specific exam
This type of exam focuses on a specific problem, where pain or infection are not involved. Treatment options are discussed and the patient decides or confirms the plan of action.
Initial comprehensive exam:
When a patient desires a more thorough assessment of the health of their dental and oral status, the comprehensive exam is provided. A new patient would typically have this type of exam on their first visit, although they may have had an emergency or specific exam done at our office previously for a more urgent concern.
You are welcome to have recent (within last year) x-rays sent to our office (older images can be used for comparison purposes). Our office can assist you in obtaining your previous dental records. We use digital technology that is up to 90% less radiation than conventional film x-rays.
If any problems exist, they will be identified and all treatment options for a particular problem will be discussed. It is important to know the pros and cons of each treatment option as well as the associated cost. With patient input, a comprehensive treatment plan will be provided which prioritizes treatment according to the patient’s desires and the severity of the problems.
Children or teenagers:
During this exam, we will check for development, eruption and alignment of baby or adult teeth. Depending on the age and development of the child, we may take 2 or 3 x-rays to check for cavities and tooth development. Our hygienist will provide cleaning and fluoride treatment during your office visit if treatment is indicated.
Early infant oral health visit:
This is not your typical “dental” exam and it is usually done “knee to knee” with a parent. The goal is prevention of potential problems. The dentist will check for eruption of the baby teeth, oral hygiene and discuss concerns such as diet. We will offer guidance to help prevent potential problems that may arise.
This appointment is usually very short, lasting on average 20 minutes. We want to try to prevent problems before they start and to allow your child to become familiar with the dental office environment in a very positive way.
This method is taught by the pediatric dental specialists in dental school and is encouraged by the pediatric dental associations both in Canada and the US.
Your child’s first dental visit should be:
six months after their first tooth appears in the mouth
their first birthday
The Canadian Dental Association website
The American Dental Association website
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