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About Us

 Our Mission Statement

We will treat everyone as an individual in a way that we would treat our family and want to be treated ourselves, while at the same time, respecting the autonomy of each person.

We are committed to provide quality, comprehensive, individualized treatment in a warm, gentle and caring manner.

We strive to maintain a positive experience for all appointments.

Our priority is the overall health of our patients with a conservative approach to help maintain your natural teeth.

We will provide you with details and facts to allow you to make an informed decision in your treatment.

Treatment modalities and materials used in our office are chosen based on high quality, evidence-based research.

More Information About Us:

Your care is very important to us. The following steps are used by our clinical team members to provide an optimal patient experience:

~ Diagnose ~

What is the problem or problems.

~ Educate ~

Help the patient understand the problem, including how the issue may affect their oral health or in some cases, their total body health.

~ Inform ~

Provide information about all treatment options for the particular problem, including no treatment and the potential issues for each option.

~ Treat ~

Provide the treatment option that the patient would like to have to resolve the problem.

In healthcare, the services and procedures go as planned most of the time.  However, despite our best intentions to start and finish in the planned amount of time, complications can occur (you take longer to freeze than usual, an emergency visit that takes a little longer to fix a broken front tooth or to relieve pain are some examples) that can require extra time beyond our control.  Dr. Simpson is very committed to providing quality dental care in a comfortable, pain-free manner.  The majority of our patients are very understanding when we are occasionally a little behind in our schedule as some of them may have been in the same position at some time during their own treatment.  While we hope that you will never have a complication, we thank you in advance for your understanding if we are delayed in starting your treatment.  In exceptional circumstances, we will attempt to contact you to let you know of any delay.  Some of our patients who may be on a tight schedule can choose to have appointments either first thing in the morning or immediately after our lunch break.  Our focus is the optimal care of our patients.


Our Dartmouth Dental Office


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We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest about our services.